The Final Straw Radio
A weekly anarchist radio show and podcast from the U.S. with an international reach
The Final Straw Radio
The Final Straw Radio is a weekly anarchist radio show & podcast from so-called Asheville, North Carolina. TFSR gets you the voices of activists struggling on the ground for the earth, on both sides of the bars against incarceration, on the streets against racism and in the pages of contemporary books troubling a better world. TFSR features regular radio commentaries by anarchist prisoner, Sean Swain, from deep in the dungeons of Ohio.
The show has been airing since 2010 on various radio stations around the United States. We are a proud member of the Channel Zero Network of English-language Anarchist podcasts as well as the International A-Radio Network, which produces a monthly, English-language monthly podcast from around the world called B(A)DNews.
The Final Straw Radio has been produced roughly 50 hours of in-depth, timely interviews with activists and authors EACH year since May 2010. We create a free, weekly, 59 minute, FCC-friendly radio show brimming with anarchy for community radio stations and are regularly broadcast on airwaves on about a dozen stations in the so-called USA. Our podcast is free to download and we are happy if you share the content, to get these featured voices into as many ears as possible.
To bring you quality, up-to-date information on struggles and ideas of interest to anarchists and fellow travelers, we need a little help. William and Bursts work service-industry jobs to get by, as do our occasional co-hosts, which doesn't leave a lot of free time for the research, production, & interviews that create a good episode.
Since January 2021 we've been transcribing each of our weekly podcast episodes to make the content more accessible to people in prisons, with hearing difficulties, for whom English audio isn't the best way to learn and for easier translation into other languages. We've had episodes translated into Persian, Spanish, French and German that we know of. We pay comrades to do the transcriptions, so this is where the majority of our monetary donations go. You can find all of our trancriptions, including as printable zines or unimposed PDFs at https://TFSR.WTF/Zines
In light of that, please consider dropping us a few duckets to cover our operating costs! Your generous donation also help us pay for our hosting costs, audio equipment, travelings costs for attending relevant events we provide coverage from and organize around, and to pay for stickers, printing zines, merch and other means of propagating the project name. It'll alleviate a little pressure of having a weekly time-and-energy-consuming project like this on top of our waged existence and hopefully make the prospect a little easier thus higher quality. Until this point, it's been funded out of our pockets and organized in the cracks between work, hence the ask!
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