

We make Discord a better place!

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At TutoClub we believe that Discord is a great platform, and because of that, we create guides, YouTube videos, bots that everyone can enjoy and help anyone who needs it.

Who are you?

We are a group of Discord users who enjoy helping people who are new to the platform, but also the old timers! Anyone can join TutoClub, you just have to show that you really want to do it.

Why do you need some support?

Maintaining an active YouTube channel can be tedious when you don't have a lot of time. Furthermore, the servers where we host our bots are also paid from our pocket, so any help is gratefully appreciated.

Yhdistetyt tilit

Käyttäjän TutoClub tilejä muissa palveluissa:


ModMail Tähdet 70 Päivitetty 1 vuosi sitten

A Discord ModMail Bot.

ModMailLogs Tähdet 3 Päivitetty 3 vuotta sitten


TutoClub liittyi 2 vuotta sitten.

Viikoittaiset euro-määräiset tulot

Tukijoita viikossa